Posted on 19 December 2023 by Jeff Fuge  |  Reading time 3 mins

Signs asking dog owners to do the decent thing and pick up their pooches’ poo typically take one of two forms: the official or the social. The official is usually a small formal sign threatening a fine. Scoop the poop or part with your pounds. The social is often a polite request with a cute drawing. Please pick up the poo, we use the field too. But perhaps both are barking up the wrong tree.

Dog-poo sign warning of maximum £1000 fine for not cleaning up after your dog
A sign drawn by a child asking dog owners to scoop up their dog's poop
A sign drawn by a child asking dog owners to scoop up their dog’s poop.
Homemade poster asking inconsiderate dog owners to pick up their dog's poo
A local resident’s homemade poster aimed at inconsiderate dog owners.
Sign asking to owners to keep an eye on their dog at all times
Examples of a new approach to dog-poo messaging.
Sign asking to owners check what their dog has done if they roam far away

If you could do with a little Objective Ingenuity, let’s talk.

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