Posted on 29 October 2024 by Jeff Fuge  |  Reading time 3 mins

Blocked toilets are a nuisance at the best of times. But if you’re responsible for lots of loos, preventing people from flushing products that cause problems for your plumbing is a critical communication task.

Sign in a toilet with a long list of what must not be put down the loo.
Sign in a toilet with a long list of what must not be put down the loo.
Sign in a toilet with a long list of what must not be put down the loo.
Power socket and sign clearly explaining you can only plug in phones and laptops
Power socket and sign clearly explaining you can only plug in phones and laptops.
Large sticker under a toilet seat using humour to tell people what to not put down the loo.
Sticker under a toilet seat using humour to tell people what to not put down the loo.

If you could do with a little Objective Ingenuity, let’s talk.

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